The current year is almost done and for the most part it has been a good one. Life over this past year has not been simple, but I enjoyed some adventures. Generally, I find myself in a more positive place than I was a year ago. As the New Year ball drops I find it time to take charge. To define where I want my life to go from here.
The start of the new year provides a chance to both reflect on the past as well as define the plan for tomorrow. So that is what I am going to do over this weekend. I am not going to just list out a bunch of resolutions as I have done in the past. Instead I am going to put together a plan.
To start, I need to break down this past year. Taking a look at the good things, the bad things, and the areas where I experienced my greatest growth. Then I need to lay out my plans and desires for this coming year, identifying the milestones and events I have to be prepared for. Then I have to look at the things that might go wrong, and set aside some time to visit how I might handle those situations.
Of course, I have already started this process to some degree. To be honest it is something that should be an ongoing discussion you are having with yourself, however, just in the last couple months I have been presented with some options and changes that make me revisit several of my longer term goals and identify where I really want to go.
Beginning with the end in mind
We need to have a vision of where we are going and what we want. It is that dream, that aspiration, that will help guide you and keep you focused on what needs to be done.
Identify what drives you
This is often referred to as your core values, the things that really matter to you. Defining and writing these down will provide you a clear picture of who you are and how you make your decisions. These are not static and will change overtime, life changes and you must be willing to adapt.
Putting first things FIRST
If there was one area I noticed more than any other was that I was all over the place this year. I had so many projects, tasks, and obligations that I really didn’t have any time for any of them. What I need to do is list them, rank their priority, and then identify which ones can be put aside for now.
Obviously, this is not an activity for one evening and couple hours of making a bucket list for the year. While that can be fun exercise. A way of looking ahead and dreaming about the things you can do over the next year, it does not put you in command of your life – and that is what I am needing to do this year.